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7 Things You Must Know Before Getting Invisalign

Teens and adults who want to straighten their teeth without the appearance of braces may consider Invisalign as a treatment option. But Toothworks believe there is some critical information you should be aware of before deciding to use Invisalign. Our dentists at Toothworks The Boardwalk Dental explain.

1. Stay mindful of what you eat

The foods you eat will have to be carefully chosen. Keep in mind that if you want a snack in the middle of the day, it may not be worth it to remove your aligners, eat, and then brush and floss your teeth. Ideally, you should try to consume enough calories throughout your main meals so that you don't have to go through this process too frequently!

2. You have to wear your aligners full-time

With Invisalign, you are committing yourself to a full-time schedule. Wearing your aligners for a minimum of 20-22 hours per day as suggested by your dentist consistently is essential for Invisalign to be effective. You should only take them out to eat or clean their teeth.

When things become rough, it might be tempting to take these aligners out, and it's even easier to forget to put them back in afterwards. Instead of using Invisalign orthodontics if you fear you will have a desire to remove them more frequently than you should, you may want to consider other orthodontic procedures.

3. They are pretty comfortable

Invisalign aligners are generally considered to be comfortable to use. When you change trays every two weeks, you may experience some pressure and pain, although most patients report that this discomfort is mild.

4. You need to brush after every meal

If you don't brush and floss after eating and instead just put your aligners back in, food particles will likely become trapped at the back of your teeth under your aligners. This creates a barrier that allows bacteria on your teeth to spread, potentially resulting in decay and bad breath. To avoid these problems, consider purchasing a portable toothbrush or keeping one on your desk at work.

5. Talking might be difficult at first

As with a lot of orthodontic appliances, talking might seem a little difficult at first. You may notice some mumbling and lisping. This is normal and should subside as you get used to your clear aligners.

6. Invisalign might not be the right move for you

For those with mild to moderate orthodontic issues, Invisalign is frequently a fantastic option. Depending on the severity of your misalignment, it may take a very long time to straighten your teeth with Invisalign. As a result, traditional braces may be more effective for you.

7. Your clear aligners can stain

You may want to spend some of your two-hour window period in the morning sipping on a cup of coffee if you have Invisalign aligners. This is because they have the potential to stain when exposed to certain substances.

If you have more questions about Invisalign clear aligners, or if you think you'd be a good candidate, contact our dentists at Toothworks The Boardwalk Dental today. Our dentists will help you make the best choice for your smile. Or find a Toothworks location near you.

Shaping the Smiles of Tomorrow

Since 2001, Toothworks Dental Clinics have been providing patients of all ages with personalized dental care and a welcoming experience at locations across Ontario.

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