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3 Signs You May Need a Root Canal

If you begin to experience painful dental symptoms then you may want to visit your dentist as soon as possible as you may require a root canal. Here, our Ontario dentists share 3 of the most common signs that you may require a root canal.

What is Root Canal Surgery?

The root canal is made up of the inner passages of a tooth that connect the pulp to the roots.

A root canal procedure is a dental treatment in which infected tooth pulp material is removed from the interior of the tooth to prevent pain and preserve the tooth.

What are the Typical Signs That I May Need a Root Canal?

Experiencing Tooth Pain

An infection of the tooth pulp is often characterized by pain in the tooth.

You may notice sharp pain while you are chewing or otherwise applying pressure to the tooth. You may also experience severe sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

If you are experiencing pain in your tooth, make an appointment with your Ontario dentists as soon as possible for a diagnosis.

You Notice a Bump on the Gums

You may notice a small, pimple-like bump forming on the gums near a tooth that might need a root canal. This is called a dental cyst.

Dental cysts form around the roots of decayed or infected teeth and sometimes form if the pulp of a tooth is infected.

Your Tooth Begins to Darken

A tooth with infected pulp may become dark in colour, or even black, due to internal damage. If you notice that one of your teeth has become darker than the others, it may be indicative of a problem with the inner pulp.

What Can You Expect a Root Canal to Feel Like

A root canal procedure might sound scary, but with today’s technology, it’s typically not a whole lot more different than having a deep filling. There’s little to no pain because your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb your tooth and gums so you’re comfortable during the procedure.

Your mouth may feel sore or tender after the root canal. Your dentist may suggest that you take over-the-counter pain medication such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil).

Generally, pre-treatment pain can be high, but the pain tends to drop moderately within a day of treatment and then drop substantially to minimal levels within a week.

What You Can Do to Help Prevent the Need For a Root Canal

To prevent the need for a root canal, it’s important to follow the same dental hygiene habits that help prevent cavities and other tooth problems. To keep your teeth healthy, try to get into the habit of following these steps:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Floss between your teeth at least once a day.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste or a fluoride rinse.
  • See your dentist for checkups every 6 months.
  • Have your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist at least once a year.
  • Limit the amount of sugary food and refined carbohydrates you eat. These foods have a tendency to stick to your teeth. If you eat sugary foods, try to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth shortly afterward.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact our Ontario dentists for an assessment and diagnosis.

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Since 2001, Toothworks Dental Clinics have been providing patients of all ages with personalized dental care and a welcoming experience at locations across Ontario.

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