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Invisalign First & Phase 1 Interceptive Orthodontics

Your dentist may recommend Invisalign in order to help correct any bite or misalignment issues your child is experiencing which can help to avoid the need for more intrusive procedures later in life, including extractions and fillers. Our Ontario dentists discuss Invisalign First & Phase 1 Interceptive Orthodontics for your child.

Treatment With Phase 1 Interceptive Orthodontics

Our Ontario dentists provide an early phase of treatment to assist and address bite and misalignment concerns before they progress to more problematic disorders. Typically, phase 1 treatment begins when children are between the ages of 7 and 11 years old, when there is still a mix of baby teeth and adult teeth in your child's jaw.

Phase 1 treatment can last anywhere from one to two years. This treatment process can help to lower the possibility of your child needing a tooth extraction due to further complications later on down the road.

How Phase 1 Treatment Can Help Your Child

Phase 1 treatment is used for preventing pre-existing abnormalities from becoming more severe, correcting existing teeth misalignments, and making treatment quicker and easier for your child. Phase 1 orthodontics are known to be incredibly effective at realigning the teeth. As a result, at this stage of your child's growth, the dentist or orthodontist will be able to more readily correct abnormalities and make place for both current and upcoming permanent teeth.

The Oral Appliances Used During Phase 1

The appliance that your dentist recommends will depend on the overall needs of your child and their specific dental requirements. Interceptive treatment might include things like space maintainers, braces on selective teeth, retainers, expansion appliances, or Invisalign first aligners.

Invisalign & Interceptive Orthodontics

Pediatric orthodontic difficulties such as narrow dental arches and misaligned teeth can in some cases be corrected with the use of Invisalign First aligners. An Invisalign First orthodontic treatment consists of a series of sets of transparent plastic aligners that may be readily removed. They are detachable, which means that your kid might not need to give up any of the meals that they like while undergoing therapy. This treatment also has the ability to potentially make at-home tooth care more enjoyable.

What The Phase 1 Treatment Timeline Looks Like

Phase 1 treatment is provided by dentists to correct bite and misalignment issues before they cause irreversible complications for your child.

When youngsters are between the ages of 7 and 11 years old, they often begin phase 1 treatment.

Once your child begins Phase 1 treatment, it may take approximately one to two years between the start and finish of treatment.

With proper orthodontic treatments, many children can reduce or even eliminate the need for extractions throughout the course of their orthodontic treatments in life.

If you would like to learn more about treating potential issues with your child's teeth using Invisalign, contact our Ontario dentists today to book a consultation and ask any questions you may have.

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Since 2001, Toothworks Dental Clinics have been providing patients of all ages with personalized dental care and a welcoming experience at locations across Ontario.

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